Nsw police incident report Make a report for non-urgent matters like lost or stolen property, stolen vehicle, damage from your house or business, minor car crash, or fraud; Provide information about a crime or missing person to Crime Stoppers; Make a complaint about a NSW Police Force member; Provide feedback or a compliment about the NSW Police Force or a NSW Police In order to confirm your report retrieval, please enter the following details as recorded on your report. When you access the portal, you'll need to: provide your personal details; provide details of the incident; verify your email address. Critical incident declared following man's death - Leichhardt Thursday, 06 February 2025 06:16:58 PM; Police appeal for witnesses after body of missing boater located in the Murray River Thursday, 06 February 2025 05:28:15 PM; Woman charged with multiple offences - Walgett Thursday, 06 February 2025 03:21:10 PM The portal allows you to report incidents such as: theft, including the failure to pay for good or services; lost property; intentional damage or graffiti. Make a report for non-urgent matters like lost or stolen property, stolen vehicle, damage from your house or business, minor car crash, or fraud; Provide information about a crime or missing person to Crime Stoppers; Make a complaint about a NSW Police Force member; Provide feedback or a compliment about the NSW Police Force or a NSW Police In order to confirm your report retrieval, please enter the following details as recorded on your report. Informs a customer how to go about getting a copy of their Police report. Simply navigate to the Community Portal website home page and enter the Community Portal Reference Number or official NSW Police Force Event Number of the report into the search field. You can find your Reference Number/Event Number in the email your received when you saved / submitted your report. For more information on applying for an official copy of your Police report, follow the instructions on our website as set out by the Government Information (Public Access) Act. When are police required to attend and investigate crashes? Will police attend crashes that do not meet the 'Major Traffic Crash' criteria? What crashes will police investigate? Will police take action against 'at fault' drivers involved in 'Tow Away Only' crashes? To retrieve a report, you will need to use the report retrieval tool. Information for motorists and other people involved in crashes in NSW. . nlpyadjuktzuucttncmjnrxdffysyypbiuikzwfiraaspqvevvnlktcrabahaivhmxhavdb
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