6 meter duplexer. 0 dBi 1/4 100 watts 2 meters 144-148 MHz 2.

  • 6 meter duplexer Model: DPRE4-4LB-6M: Operating Frequency band, MHz: 50,5-55: Insertion loss (adjustable) not more, dB: 1. 75. This graphic shows A Hybrid Ring 6 Meter Duplexer by Jim Poll WB5WPA (offsite link to the wayback machine) Local PDF copy (1. Mobile duplexer, 6 cavity, 136-174 MHz. ) beasts compared to 2 meter units. There were several articles on the web about duplexers made from multiple quarter-wavelength pieces of Heliax coaxial cable; one is titled "6M Heliax Duplexer Design (Six Meter Duplexer) by WB5WPA"; search the web Section 3. This receiver uses superregeneration for high sensitivity and low parts count. Most plans use 1 5/8 cable for 6 meters, but if I was doing it for 10 meters, I would use 3 1/8. Some people will say why 6 meters? the band is dead blah blah blah. 6" diameter. 60 shipping. 685039 feet, which is 6. Hence a 2M cavity's center conductor it is roughly 19 Another example, this one specific: an Icom 706Mk2G radio has two antenna connections, one is for HF and 6 meters, the other connector is for 2 meters and UHF. That's what these were a part of. Additional plots and engineering data/parameters may be found below DuckDuckGo Heliax 6 meter duplexer and you might find more about these. Satisfactory isolation can be gotten, but always for a price. Best HF Ham Radio for Grid Down Survival. 4. A pair of 6 meter duplexer's are large (usually six (6) feet tall) and heavey (over 200 lbs. Six Meter Heliax Duplexers Low-band VHF Heliax Duplexer Performance on 6 Meters, Notch Style Shown above is a graphic displaying the performance of a 3rd generation, 1 MHz split, 90 dB Isolation, 1 dB Insertion Loss, 6 stub Six Meter Heliax Duplexer using notch technology operating on a 52 MHz in / 53 MHz out frequency pair. On 4/16/2023 6:54 AM, Mike wrote: In duplexers that reach smaller splits like . It can receive both FM and AM door 6 meter duplexer (955 products available) Previous slide Next slide 300M 200M 150M 100M duplex 4 cores 6 cores cable optical fiber FIBER CABL LC Extension cable reel cord reels Ready to Ship $5. The purpose of the duplexer is to combine the transmitter and receiver into a single antenna and isolate each other with minimal losses. The KI7DX 6 Meter Repeater is now on the mountain. Thank you. 00 Min. #hamradio I picked up the Duplexer for the 6 meter repeater. Still a current duplexer, if you want to pay US$9000 :) Cavity 4 and 6 tuned to pass 453 MHz. This graphic shows the following "S21" S-Parameter sweeps: 1. All are similar in construction. Some subjects could 1- One Wacom WP609 BpBr Duplexer Factory tuned to Tx 52. 7. 49 RX. or better use your smart Phone. 520 to the repeater. Chuck WB2EDV 6 meter duplexer for sale #183512 . Chuck WB2EDV. 2 offers from $8731 $ 87 31. My name is Steve Jones, W9SMJ. values 30pF 45pF 60pF 80pF for example. Shown above is a graphic displaying the performance of a Hybrid Ring Duplexer using a 3rd generation design notch stub. 5 dB The centre conductor outer diameter is 42mm because 152 : 3. I have a Wacom WP-604-d six cavity duplexer for sale. 600 MHz frequency pair. This duplexer is conservatively rated at 150 watts input, but it should withstand up to 300 watts. You could use a receiver with an S meter for a finer adjustment. Built similar ones years ago. io to automatically receive all group messages. 0 History of my first or proof-of-concept 6 Meter Duplexer The duplexer described here was the result of an experiment to see what could be done with available materials (1 1/4" Heliax) and using simple hand tools for what seemed a worst case scenario: a . Here's a photo of the factory 2M notch stubs for the WP-641 duplexer. $0. A 2-meter three-section duplexer will still pass a lot of power at VHF public-service frequencies. This repeater first went on the air during the last week of 1999 from a valley location in Murray. 5 MHz TX to RX frequency spacing. With rexol ite rods properly set at the pre-set position, the The RG 400 double shielded coax in Skip's picture is the best for your short lengths. Sorry if your old radio don’t have tone USE a PC SPEAKER to the mic while you talk. I know there would come a time I'd forget to flip the switch and transmit into the wrong antenna. Cable lengths between cavity 3 and cavity 6 to "T" are tuned lengths. John E Portune W6NBC . They are 11-3/4" long from the tip of the PL259 connector to the tip of the PL259 connector. 360 Mhz. Updated 6-25-2003€ 15:00 UTC 6 Meter Duplexer € € € Six Meter Heliax Duplexer Design Shown above is an overlay of the 1) receive-port to antenna-port and 2) transmit-port to antenna-port port S21 (Insertion Loss) plots for a typical 1/2 MHz split, 6-stub Heliax Duplexer. Midland The KI7DX 6 Meter Repeater The KI7DX 6 Meter Repeater is now on the air and on the mountain!!! Note: If you have heard the WA7X Beacon, click here. The RG 400 double shielded coax in Skip's picture is the best for your short lengths. Heliax 6 Meter Filter construction article By Robert W. 5 MHz ("half meg") split (repeater offset) machine. Duplexer: Decibel Products model DB4030-A Duplexer tuned for 53. Please email me direct for any questions. Diamond Antenna MX-62M Duplexer 1. Build a 2-Meter Duplexer Walk up to any ham who has already put a repeater on the air and ask him, "What's the toughest technical problem you had with it?" He will probably say that obtaining sufficient signal isolation between the transmitter and receiver was the toughest. 53. To One of the reasons we didn't originally set up a 6 meter single site is because a 6 meter duplexer is BIG!! A duplexer is made up of multiple adjacent cavities each of which has to be about a halfwave high, because it must be tuned for the correct frequency. The duplexer is currently on 146. If you need 220 MHz / 1. The specifications for the duplexer are: Type The most expensive (>$2,000 new) single item for many repeaters is the duplexer. A duplexer is normally made up of four to six 1/4 wavelength coaxial cavities. Jump to my work Jan 2019 Six Meter Hybrid Ring Heliax Duplexer by Jim WB5WPA. 56168 yards. The low-pass coupling loop mod has been completed by the factory and the interconnect cables are correct for the 2-meter ham band. 04 and has 1. One final photo shows the notch stub for a WP-639 that was originally built for the mid-150 MHz band with 6. I did this on my 6 meter repeater duplexer. YOu Transmit on 29. 2 & 6 Meter Mobile Duplexer. 692 likes · 50 talking about this. 23 MHz. Meister WA1MIK A comprehensive filter construction article using 1-5/8 inch hardline. Build a set of CATV Hardline Matching Stubs By Kevin Custer W3KKC Build a Band Pass-Band Reject Two Meter Duplexer From the W1GAN article in the July 1972 QST Note: a SIMULATION, so no real detail on making one. If you need assistance, call us at 816-532-8451 and we can help specify the correct duplexer for your specific application. First, review the basic architecture of a duplexer, Figure 6-1. This thing is pretty big. TX and RX has tone. The dF/F at 10 meters (100 kHz/29. At the site was an existing G5RV-type antenna which provided coverage on 80, 40, 20 W9SMJ Amateur Radio Repeaters. Cavity 5 tuned to notch (reject) 458 MHz. com to tune this to our 6 meter band. 6 factor if you use 100mm tube, the inner conductor diameter should be roughly 28mm. 00. Silver plating the interior of the cavities is a good idea if the input power will exceed 150 watts. 2- Two Midland 70-0351C Radios programmed for the above frequencies with 100. The TX RX Vari-Notch (c) type Duplexer: The Vari-Notch type duplexer is a very popular, low cost and small size duplexer that is only available from TX RX Systems. Conversion of an existing 39 MHz duplexer (possibly made by a company called Celwave?) is an option but it would be preferable to acquire one that is purpose-built for 50 MHz. 52. MD356 SERIES. 1. 2dB 0. $17. 6 MHz) is a bit lower than for 2 meters @ 600 kHz. New Listing ICOM IC-281H FM 2-Meter VHF Radio Transceiver with 440MHz UHF Duplex Crossband. ORG Thanks to the excellent work of WB5WPA, it is possible to create a useable duplexer capable of handling a high power 500khz split six meter repeater. 5" cast aluminum case. I think this will be an exciting fun project. With 3. For other bands, the length is directly proportional to wavelength. The photo in the caption is for Heliax Duplexer Design- WB5WPA More Duplexer Information - KI7DX More Information- KT4QW SUMMARY 1. This is presuming RG214 cable, with a velocity factor of 0. 25 factor which is 70 ohms. Some people use 3. BpBr Circuit Duplexer, Model WP-609, Serial 9622 TX Freq. 25" X 4. This article documents the modifications and construction of the Bp/Br coupling loop assembly and A Six Meter Duplexer designed by WB5WPA that physically consists of discarded pieces of 1-5/8" Andrews Heliax that are cut to resonate at quarter wavelength of the notch frequency. This Hybrid Ring duplexer is a 1 MHz split, I did this on my 6 meter repeater duplexer. Repeater building is no longer my primary interest in ham radio. 090 Mhz RX 52. Three types of Helical Filters are used; Band Pass, TX Band Reject and RX Band Reject. Later I began making from spun-aluminum commercial cake pans. Mobile duplexer, 6 There are plans on the repeater-builder website for building 6 meter notch filters out of heliax. or Best Offer. com. Bottom: The rack containing the 70cm and 6 From a factory-made 2 meter duplexer Thanks to a social media friend, I have a definitive answer for factory cables for the ham 2 meter band. NOTE FROM AUTHOR . PREOWNED CELWAVE VHF DUPLEXER 0185417U02 / T3000A (SEE PHOTOS FOR ADDED OPTIONS) $700. Each filter is contained in a completely enclosed copper can measuring 8" in and 5. MD256 SERIES. If you peak-tuned them on one channel (like for a repeater) you could get by with a minimal duplexer. During the six months that On a 600 KHz offset 2 meter duplexer the frequencies are so close together that the receive side and transmit side lengths are usually the same, however on a VHF commercial 5 MHz (or more) offset or on a UHF duplexer 10 Meter Amateur Radios; Hand Held Radios. DUPLEXERS, VHF & UHF ANTENNAS and more NZ5V Amateur Radio DUPLEXERS, VHF & UHF Antennas and more Duplexers DIY 6 meter duplexer Tuning 144/220/440 BP/BPBR Duplexers for Amateur Service How to make a BPBR duplexer phasing harness GE Rangr Low Band to 6M Conversion Repeater Builder A cheap programable 100W 6 mtr vehicle radio. It was built inside of a Hammond 7. 91 Rx 51. In cleaning up the cans and doing some initial testing, the cans have tuning stubs Cable lengths between cavity 3 and cavity 6 to "T" are tuned lengths. The centre conductor outer diameter is 42mm because 152 : 3. Great for Amateur and Commercial Applications. Now long gone. Know of anyone using a Heliax duplexer at 2 meters? If it can't work there, it An Ultra-Simple Receiver For 6 Meters by N1TEV Here is a simple VHF receiver you can build without any special components or test equipment. 5" X 2. 6-56 MHz 76-470 MHz HF, VHF, UHF Signal Split. One of the reasons we didn't originally set up a 6 meter single site is because a 6 meter duplexer is BIG!! A duplexer is made up of multiple adjacent cavities each of which has to be about a halfwave high, because it must be tuned for the correct frequency. Wacom did not make long tuning rods for their 75Mhz and Another example, this one specific: an Icom 706Mk2G radio has two antenna connections, one is for HF and 6 meters, the other connector is for 2 meters and UHF. Here is a photo of the inside of a high/low pass mobile duplexer I built many years ago. 95. In any case, how a duplexer operates is basic physics. No matter what the material, or whether the duplexer is commercial or home brew, the principles herein are universal to duplexer construction, modification and tuning. All Messages By This Member; previous page; View All 11 Messages In Topic; next page; previous page #183512; next page; Join repeater-builder@groups. Radios on low band (10 meters, 6 meters or the commercial frequencies in between) covered a similar percentage if you had two low band channels more than 275-300 kHz apart you probably had two separate radios (base or mobile), feedline and The Ultimate 80 meter ham radio antenna. Build a set of CATV Hardline Matching Stubs By Kevin Custer W3KKC Build a Band Pass-Band Reject Two Meter Duplexer From the W1GAN article in the July 1972 QST VHF Duplexers. Ultimate Audio and CAT Telewave TPRD-1556 duplexer is a six-cavity pass-reject duplexer. 5: Updated 6-25-2003€ 15:00 UTC 6 Meter Duplexer € € € Six Meter Heliax Duplexer Design Shown above is an overlay of the 1) receive-port to antenna-port and 2) transmit-port to antenna-port port S21 (Insertion Loss) plots for a typical 1/2 MHz split, 6-stub Heliax Duplexer. jportune@aol. 560 Mhz Rx 49. More. 6 factor provides the best filtering performance with impedance of 78ohm. Top: The four bandpass cavities (and notch stubs) that make up the repeaters duplexer. 090 Mhz for a 6 Meter repeater. Although not obvious from the picture, they are mounted in the ceiling, laying on their sides. Playing with cavity coupling loops. Many of the solutions to this problem . I know that this side of the hobby is pretty much dead now as nobody builds there own kit anymore or at least not very many people do at all. One antenna was the least costly solution as lightning protection and one coax run is much cheaper. 5 dB. Low-band VHF Hybrid Ring Heliax Duplexer Performance on 6 Meters. 5mhz vs 1mhz the loop is or acts as a balun of a sort while also coupling the There is a 6-meter repeater project in north Florida that is very close to getting operational. 75 RE: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers Doug Bade Fri, 28 Apr 2006 06:36:47 -0700 Speaking of 6 meter conversions, I have received (2 ) 4 can pass reject 300 khz duplexers for 72-76 mhz. Click here to see the 6 meter Heliax duplexer! Can be find inside 450MHz NMT radio duplexer, for example Some pieces high quality fixed capasitors to put parallel to trimmer capasitor if needed. Second Generation 6 Meter Duplexer Introduction. One band I've been wanting to activate is 6 Meters, my first challenge was I didn't want to use a coax switch to flip between HF and VHF: TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: The DB Products 4030 series of duplexer are the most reduced size 6 meter duplexer ever designed. This graphic shows I'd much rather have fun building my own 6 meter transceiver. I don't have 6 meters 50-54 MHz 0. 66. Additional plots and engineering data/parameters may be found below He tried making a full duplexer out of them, with multiple sections notching the TX frequency on the receive side, and multiple sections notching the RX frequency on the transmit side. It is essential to keep it in mind as you are tuning. At 450 MHz, for example, that's about 6 inches. These versatile antennas go from triband to quad-band to 5-band I did this on my 6 meter repeater duplexer. $34. This web page describes both an early prototype Six Meter Duplexer and subsequent improvements in design by WB5WPA that nominally consist physically of: Six (or eight) band This web page describes a Six Meter Duplexer designed by WB5WPA that physically consists of discarded pieces of 1-5/8" Andrews Heliax that are cut to resonate at quarter wavelength of the notch frequency. 64/146. Probably like most amateurs, I own a do-it-all rig - the IC-7000. $117. It is currently on 46. 89 TX and 46. S21 measurement, measured from the receive port to Find great deals on eBay for 6 meter duplexer. If you had a separate HF antenna and a 6m antenna, then you would use a diplexer with a breakpoint between 10 meters and 6 meters to split the HF and 6 meters to two separate antennas. it works just fine. 620- PL 156. 6-55MHz 144-148MHz 400-470MHz, VHF UHF Transit Station Shortwave Tri Band Antenna Duplexer. 00, depending on how well your junk box is stocked. DuckDuckGo Heliax 6 meter duplexer and you might find more about these. A duplexer using plated cavities has an insertion loss of under 1 dB, and a rejection of more than - 29. Case Studies & White Papers. Instructions are on Repeater-Builder. COM Repeaters Coverage Maps IOOK. io to High-band VHF Heliax Duplexer Performance on 2 Meters Shown above is a graphic displaying the performance of a: 600 KHz split, 95 dB Isolation, 2 dB Insertion Loss, 8 stub Two Meter Heliax Duplexer operating on a 146. LiNK500 RPR TNC: The Ultimate Tool for Data Mode Ham Radio Operators. To verify actual parameters contact the The DB Products 4030 series of duplexer are the most reduced size 6 meter duplexer ever designed. Heliax used for building duplexers for 6 meters. My first challenge was I didn't want to use a coax switch to flip between HF and VHF. 14 MB) Refurbishing The DB-4062 Duplexer By Paul Kelly N1BUG (offsite link) Local PDF copy (471 KB) Six Meter Heliax Duplexer Design by Jim Poll WB5WPA (offsite link to the wayback machine) Local PDF copy (1. 1 dBi 1/2 100 watts 70 centimeters They may be combined with a Comet duplexer for multiple TX and RX at the same time. 6900 N. 2. 0 dBi 1/4 100 watts 2 meters 144-148 MHz 2. 3-90MHz 125-470MHz Insertion Loss 0. Local pickup in Quakertown, PA or Free delivery within 50 miles of Quakertown I've been wanting to do some 6 meter projects I want to build or convert transceivers to 6 meters for fun. VHF Hand Held Radios; UHF Hand Held Radios; 900 MHz Hand Held Radios; GMRS/FRS Hand Held Radios; Dual Band Hand Helds; HF/6M/75MHz-70cm Duplexer Band Pass 1. 6 dB of insertion loss and well over 100 dB of rejection. $11. Wacom did not make long tuning rods for their 75Mhz and 6 meter duplexers, they just added enough coax to make them tune properly. At the time of this writing, I have built three such duplexers and they do indeed work 'as advertised'. US$400 (Paypal preferred), pickup near Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. 6 =42 🙂 3. Its for fun and six meters is a nice band to start with in regards to building a transceiver and I'd have a cool rare 6 meter transceiver by the end of it. This book, however, is not finished. This duplexer, while not cheap, still costs much less to build than to buy; the total cost should range from about zero to $250. Both require no Six Meter Heliax Duplexers Low-band VHF Heliax Duplexer Performance on 6 Meters, Notch Style Shown above is a graphic displaying the performance of a 3rd generation, 1 MHz split, 90 dB Isolation, 1 dB Insertion Loss, 6 stub Six Meter Heliax Duplexer using notch technology operating on a 52 MHz in / 53 MHz out frequency pair. The TX RX Vari-Notch (c) type Duplexer: The Vari-Notch type duplexer is a very popular, low cost and small size duplexer that is only available from TX 6 meter duplexer for sale John Beard <lp14255@> #183512 . There were several refinements made over the years. rev 2019 . 6 Antenna Duplexer VHF UHF HF, Different Frequency Antenna Combiner 1. If so, place a 50 Ohm pad (20 dB or more) in front of the receiver to prevent The Yesterday, a work party went to the remote HF station of the Utah Amateur radio club to install a new antenna for the lower HF bands. Duplexer, 6 cavity mobile, 9/24/45 MHz separation, 806-960 MHz. 410 inline power monitor that takes bird slugs is included. Some people may call this a diplexer but it performs the same function as a duplexer. Order: 6 meter duplexer 10 meter repeater vhf repeater ham radio repeater 70 cm repeater 2 meter repeater with duplexer Additional site navigation About eBay Announcements Community Security Center Seller Center Policies Affiliates Help & Contact Site Map , , SOLD! Wacom Products, Inc. The duplexer I built has a measured 95 dB of isolation and 1. 14 MB) Refurbishing The DB-4062 Duplexer By Paul Kelly N1BUG (offsite link) Local PDF copy (471 KB) Six One band I've been wanting to activate is 6 Meters, or the magic band as it's sometimes referred to. The ' 'appro— priate pre-set position" of the rexolite rods for your particu— lar duplexer can be found on the Duplexer Check Sheet supplied with your duplexer; or you can call the factory for details. Electrical specifications. 25m duplexers, click HERE. HWY. I'm skeptical that such a low Q design could yield the needed isolation at 100 kHz spacing. Example of high quality coils and capasitors: Homemade capacitor made from 7/8" inner conductor with foam isolation: THE CAVITY DUPLEXER . 000 MHz / 146. It's a TX RX 28-14-01F model. This book was written several years ago and based on hardware-store copper water pipe as the source of home-brew duplexer construction materials. Man-Portable HF Antenna strategy. Bottom: The rack containing the 70cm and 6 Due to a lack of participation by local hams who promised to help install the 6 Meter Repeater, a new site is being sought. 5 dB Insertion Loss, 4 stub Six Meter Heliax Duplexer operating on a 52 MHz in / 53 MHz out frequency pair. I am moving the duplexers to TX 53. 410RX Freq. The information provided on this page is not an official offer. View Datasheet. This Hybrid Ring duplexer is a 1 MHz split, 93 dB Isolation, less than 1. 210 with all the original documentation. 7 MB) A Hybrid Ring 6 Meter Duplexer by Jim Poll WB5WPA (offsite link to the wayback machine) Local PDF copy (1. 00 Add to Quote. 3-90MHz 600W PEP Don't: assume that the duplexer is going to protect your VNA from strong out-of-band signals! A typical pass/notch duplexer doesn't have deep rejection except at the notch frequency. You can use the same concept for 10 meters, just will need to increase the lengths of the heliax and the jumper cables between cavities. If that's what you have, you may be able to down-load it from the ARRL site. 0 PL 3- One fan controller with radio to controller cabling. Shop with confidence. Weight 48lbs. The only missing component is a cavity duplexer. I also had a bit of a set back, but I'll 6 meter Duplexer: Connector: N Mounting: Rack Harness: RG-142 > 90 dB 8 and 8 19" x 7" x 12" VHF TV Duplexer: Connector: N Mounting: Rack Harness: RG-142 > 44 dB 4 and 4 19" x 7" x 6" UHF Wide-Band Duplexer: Connector: N Top: The four bandpass cavities (and notch stubs) that make up the repeaters duplexer. He soon found out that the piston trimmer capacitors were totally inadequate for use on the transmit side, where all the RF power is. The duplexer cavities and cables are contained in a heavy duty metal cabinet enclosure which is floor or wall mountable and provides real protection the cavities and cabling inside, making them perfect for a remote commercial sitting or a home based Six Meter Heliax Duplexer Construction KF8KK. I found W2GBO Apr 95 Modification Instructions for Sinclair duplexers. Buy CF-530 Comet HF & 6M / 2M & 440MHz Duplexer for The IC-706/MKII/G FT-100, SWR Meter, Antenna Analyzer. 2dB Maximum Power (Watts) 1. I'm proud to sponsor several Amateur (Ham) Radio I have for sale a very nice Sinclair R-101GC, 8 can duplexer for the 6 meter band. Mobile duplexer, 6 cavity, 380-480 MHz. 6 • WACO, TEXAS 76702 FAX 817—848-4209 priate position. 00-$62. So let’s see: 6 meters is 19. Needing assistance in tuning a Sinclair Duplexer R-106G that was factory tuned to Tx 48. Our duplexer will make it possible to construct an amateur repeater with one common receiving-transmitting antenna and one feeder. At this time, the Tar River Amateur Radio Club (Rocky Mount, NC) has identified a potential site. I used on one 6 meter TXRX vari-notch duplexer, the 2 piece N male connectors which if one end of the coax is soldered, the end of the coax to be trimmed can be just friction fitted for test purposes, but that was using different coax. It is the duplexer that allows simultaneous transmission and reception from a single antenna, using the same feedline. The 1972 edition of the ARRL "FM and Repeaters for the Radio Amateur" book has a construction/tuning article for a 6-cavity 2 Meter duplexer using 4" diameter tubing, pages 106 to 111. The duplexer cavities and cables are contained in a heavy duty metal cabinet enclosure which is floor or wall mountable and Four such cans were connected to form an excellent 6-meter duplexer with performance that rivals a six-cavity duplexer. A Six Meter Duplexer designed by WB5WPA that physically consists of discarded pieces of 1-5/8" Andrews Heliax that are cut to resonate at quarter wavelength of the notch frequency. The Six Meter Extended Double Zepp is a very easy and inexpensive antenna for the 6 meter buff to build in about an hour or less and will add about 3 db to your signal from it's broadside bi-directional pattern when installed about a half wave up from the ground. I used tuning rods off a 72-75MHz Wacom duplexer and added enough coax to make them tune the notch on my 6 meter DB products cans. Fig. Six-cavity duplexer with a measured notch of 95 dB and an insertion loss of 1. hlflf rogxgjh jut apyt bjlk caadpsk zirsv aydwv juutrz ghxqplikx