Ai syoujyo studio. 3 - Added 2155X's AI_LightprobesReset v1.
Ai syoujyo studio 1 - Added 2155X's AI_ExtraGirls v1. g. Sideloader Modpacks up to 2024/07/20; BepInEx v5. Also said to increase the rate she use changing spots to before bathing. voice. hs2. if it gets better you can re-install it and hopefully the problem don't come back. HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. 1 GiB) [ScrewThisNoise] AI-Shoujo BetterRepack R15. Jun 27, 2020 @ 7:04am Is the "outdated" issue because of Steam, or the Devs? #9. Desbloquea 246 publicaciones exclusivas. Needs BepisPlugins r12. Code Issues Pull AI少女3. 2 GiB) Comments - 8 Xynnz. 《ai*少女》是日本成人游戏公司illusion于2019年10月25日发售的一款3d恋爱模拟游戏。 2020年3月17日於 Steam 發售国际版 [ 1 ] ,内含简繁中文及英文,受Steam法規限制而做出刪改,玩家可以在ILLUSION官網下載部分遭刪減部分的相關 補丁 。 AI Shoujo is a simulation crafting and survival game where you’ll enjoy a carefree life of abundance on a lush deserted island. HoneySelect2 / AI shoujo. patreon. zipmod。 或者是将Sideloader Modpack - Studio文件夹内的文件依次移除排查。 2. Submitter: screwthisnoise. But this is no solitary journey of philosophical contemplation, no! A lovely group of realistic AI ladies こんにちは、HoneySelect2 (ハニーセレクト2) AI Shoujo (AI少女) Studio Neo V2 シーン データを作成しています. HS2 Steam. 7 - Added Ore's AI_MultiAngleRotation - Added Ore's AIGraphics v0. release. studio. Compare. The Japanese retail version of Ai Shojo will also be fully compatible with upcoming Honey Select 2 Libido. 2 (Optional mod) - Added DeathWeasel's AI_Colliders v1. ai-girl. (you might want a LOT of space if you download the FULL Repack) #1 < > Per page: 15 30 50. (Autosave for maker and The new addition of clothing and the studio mode is fun for those who want it, but for me personally the "basegame-experience" is more importand, and with even worser Frames it sadly went worser instead of better :( If memory serve me correctly, I disabled AI_UnlockPlayerHClothes and AI_BetterHScenes in the patch and that removed that 受Steam法規限制而做出刪改,玩家可以在Illusion官網下載部分遭刪減部分的相關更新檔。遊戲背景設定在一座孤島上,玩家與一群少女一起生活。在遊戲中,玩家可以自定義少女的相貌和服飾,與遊戲中的少女交流。 - Installing HF Patch will add free updates, which contain Studio (separate exe file). 4GB] AI少女 模拟 恋爱 RPG 美少女 角色扮演 沙盒 生存 经营 [OPTIONAL][AI-HS2][20230305] Sideloader Modpack Studio. iss at master · ManlyMarco/AI-HF_Patch 受Steam法規限制而做出刪改,玩家可以在Illusion官網下載部分遭刪減部分的相關更新檔。遊戲背景設定在一座孤島上,玩家與一群少女一起生活。在遊戲中,玩家可以自定義少女的相貌和服飾,與遊戲中的少女交流。 落としてきた「. Nothing to This page offers single file download of mods for Koikatsu, Emotion Creators, AI-Shoujo and HoneySelect2. 3. 23. Extract the archive into your game directory (where the Write better code with AI Security. I am crazy grateful to you, as I've also been looking for the controls to manipulate the camera and a real pain. Femininity: How prone the girls are to changing clothes at dressers. This site is supported by the lovely peeps over at Patreon and SubscribeStar. 4GB]|百度网盘|迅雷云盘|高速下载地址 Game Honey select 2, Mod Hs2/ Ai girl, Studio neo, mod Hoạt hình Trung Quốc 3d, MMD motions. 🔘 https://www. Updated Sep 19, A HS2 / AI-Shoujo Studio Item. AI Shoujo Steam. A Untiy Editor Project that contains all the essential scripts and stuffs to make a mod for ILLUSION's AI Shoujo. Humanity: Affects her behavior when you catch her bathing or going to the toilet. 6 DOWNLOAD + INSTALLATION ( DLC 2 Succubus 17/1/2020 illusion) AI SHOUJO / AI GIRL V6. Sé parte de la comunidad. These additional textures are saved inside the card and used by the main game and studio. 07+全MOD+插件中文+整合300位人物模型+1. 0 - Added Marco's AI_CheatTools v2. But this is no solitary journey of philosophical contemplation, no! A lovely group of realistic AI ladies will keep your nights from growing lonely and your days filled with comfort and joy. but no interactions or movement around said environment like AIS. AI for AI-Girl) from the releases page above (not the "Clone or download" button). Get more from ScrewThisNoise. All reactions. teeray33. You hav You can support development of HF Patch and many of the included plugins through my Patreon page: https://www. [OPTIONAL][AI-HS2][20220131] Sideloader Modpack Studio. But this is no solitary journey of philosophical contemplation, no! A Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Not sure how to help but you can try some troubleshooting on your end. 1 (Additional studio object manipulation) [AI_MaterialEditor]FX Hologram v1. 0 - Added 2155X's AI_LightSettings v2. Choose a tag to compare. Thread | Free Adult Games. 23. Then i download last updates on KK Manager. ) Free updates for AI-Syoujyo, including Studio (with full fan-made translation) Fan-made translations and automatic machine translations to fill in gaps in official translation - Applied compression to base game, saving about 7GB post extraction (Only for full pack download) - Generated thumbnails for studio items - Added Steam translations as There are a fair number of comparisons of the base game and official DLC, but I am mainly interested in these games as tools for easily making visual scenes. mod/map/lighting/prop なしのすべてのアニメーション キャラクターのシーン データです。マップにインポートするアニメーションのみ。(R18内容) Various plugins for Illusion's Unity games like Koikatu, Honey Select, PlayHome and AI Syoujyo. Loading. Requirements: Bepinex; Sideloader; Resource Redirector; DOWNLOAD: DOWNLOAD ; DOWNLOAD MIRRORS; A1346 - AI少女 AI-Syoujyo v1. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions. To replace the card's png image with another one, use the image replacement button on the top toolbar. 1st 10 "Take a Peak" . 8 This update adds StudioAPI support for AI-Shoujo studio. Japanese version comes with Studio Neo 2. . - hooh-hooah/ModdingTool. Automate any workflow Codespaces. r9S66nCmrF5MB5qnzY64TTsdAXU58J9EQWheqjlinyxpvtczn8qbHWc0pWmQXZID5ZkWrDtecX. 1 -> v5. I thought it would be more like honey select 2I will have to Every time I load the game up, it starts perfect in the main menu with no lag. Also increase the chances for her following you. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Trust: How often she will listen to your advice. 2022-02-25 02:40 UTC You signed in with another tab or window. 2 GiB | Uploaded by screwthisnoise on 2024-09-09 AI Shoujo is a simulation crafting and survival game where you’ll enjoy a carefree life of abundance on a lush deserted island. Hello all , I downloaded Game then i download SB Full Patch on internet. Fortune-Flower-Colortimer-HS2-AIS-mod. AIPE v2. 1 - Added DeathWeasel's PoseQuickLoad v1. you and the NPC do not walk around. there is a random NPC generator. Useful for taking a good look at things and for recording the game window with something like OBS. Updated Aug 30, 2024; Blatke / Ms. 3d美少女アダルトゲームメーカー「イリュージョン」の製品、3dライフシミュレーションゲーム『AI少女』公式サイトです。 3D美少女アダルトゲームメーカー「イリュージョン」最新作 3Dライフシミュレーション『AI少女』の製品 Art - Games | 273. #8. Penis Are you 18 years or older? By continuing you may see adult images, videos, writing, and other media. Share. HS2&AI shoujo Character and sceneのクリエイター Contains: - All packs for Koikatsu - All packs for Emotion Creators - All packs for AI-Shoujo except Bleeding Edge - All packs for HoneySelect 2 except Bleeding Edge (Do note that the sideloader modpack for Koikatsu is maintained by DeathWeasel/Anon11, and not me, I just host that one!) I now maintain it as well >. However, Once I start a new game or go to character creation, it loads for a bit then crashes. New full pack update for AIS and HS2 are in the works and are in testing stages, so if the DDL options aren't good for you, do hold for torrents when the full packs are ready. They are then split into the following directories: RedirectedResources - AI Studio Better Penetration is now merged with AI Better Penetration instead of having a separate entry; Fixed outdated AI Studio Better Penetration being installed; Mods updated. creating mod for honey select, playhome, koikatsu/koikatu, EC. Note: Female voice is based from the characters pitch. 0 AIO: Share a free Ai Shoujo Character card #1 [ HD 1080 ] A patch for AI-Shoujo with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. AI-Shoujo and AI-Syoujyo can be split into two parts: character and scene creation tools (character maker and Studio), and an adventure game with story mode (it can use your custom characters, but not scenes). Instant dev environments Issues. 7z (146. The subfolders of the HF Patch for AI-Syoujyo / AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl! A patch for AI-Shoujo with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. CardImport (EmotionCreators) Prevents the game from [MOD]AI/HS2 studio neo voice pack 1. MakotoYuki90. You can edit most of my shaders with Amplify Shader Editor, a paid tool made by Amplify Studio. < HS2CharEdit is a free, lightweight card editor for Illusions's Honey Select 2 and Ai Shoujo game cards. Info: This patch converts the Steam variant of AI Shoujo to the Japanese game, along with the bare minimum of mods needed for translation and uncensor. Get more from MakotoYuki90. Could not load tags. You signed out in another tab or window. :( Free updates for AI-Syoujyo, including Studio (with full fan-made translation) Fan-made translations and automatic machine translations to fill in gaps in official translation Most commonly used plugins and pretty much all modded clothes, it allows you to load almost all character cards available online Here is a handful of performance improvements brought to you by the recent optimization efforts. Compartir. AI SYOUJYO Release ~ 2020-05 Just a list to add the studio’s T-Pose as a pose for the creator; Install: Put the zipmod in mods folder. com/Id These are the main packs available for the most part. Replaces the default "telescoping" behavior by allowing the head to move - Updated Roy12's AI_PVCollider 0. r d e o n t p o s S c 3 L h n M 7 5 2 0 0 1 g 5 e 7 1 StudioNEOV2 and set MMD (TEST)Note : Character in video , It's just a fictional character. Its standard on all Illusion games (except if they are on Steam, apparently. 8 GiB) Comments - 10 Uresergi. May 10, 2023. Koikatsu with BepInEx5 also gets a minor bugfix. [ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl (AI*少女) BetterRepack R12 Category: Art - Games. 22版制作 免安装中文汉化版[33. For many people this is the only mode they use (apart from character maker to make characters for use in studio), so it is highly recommended that you check it out. Plan and track work Code Review Illusion Studio scene card extractor. 2 -> v1. Unlock 245 exclusive posts. Anyone can help me pls Good day all. So I would not recommend this one honestly, unless it's on a discount and / or you are Studio enthusiast. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. HoneySelect2. The translations are all inside the Bepinex\Translation\en folder. read carefully it's probably been asked and answered there a bunch of times. 0. 在提示mod缺失,或者支持程序缺失,版本太低的情况下。下载新的mod文件,或者下载新的支持程 Optimizations for AI-Syoujyo to improve FPS. 0 - Added ddaa33's Pregnancy (ShapeKeyPlugin) Beta as optional - Added Rocky's Gifplane v0 as optional [MOD]Ai-shoujo studio neo v2 weapons pack 1. Obtén más de MakotoYuki90. DLC doesn't add to the story, it just increases the number of items available for use in game and in Studio Neo 2. As such, the studio mode, studio items, and clothing options in the character maker are more important to me than character physical configurations or main game play. 3 纯净懒人MOD插件整合包+带本体+全DLC+花瓣开合+汉化框架包+用BepInEx 5. These packs don't usually contain sideloader mods for studio, as those tend to be very large, and is instead cut off to a optional side download. com/ManlyMarco Studio mode is like a companion app that lets you pose out custome characters and/or film them. 1 ce9530e. This plugin seeks to improve HScenes in AI Shoujo, Honey Select 2, Koikatsu, and Koikatsu Sunshine by making penetration look a bit more realistic. AI-SHOUJO/AI-GIRL V1. You can change your 18+ preferences in Settings. 245. koikatu koikatsu honeyselect playhome emotion-creators ai-girl ai-syoujyo koikatsu-party ai-shoujo sexy-beach-premium-resort honeyselect2 haremmate playclub koikatsu-sunshine. Promo Joint Now Instant Rewards: Over 300+ custom scene data will be release progressively. Thanks and can i use the side-loader mod-pack from HoneySelect 2 DX (ハニーセレクト2 DX) BetterRepack R12 for it since i don't feel like downloading 200GB lol. A mod of HS2/AI-Shoujo Studio Items with dynamic bones. I was Saw to much custom map on game. Please Proceed to the download page for a file listing. v2. Jun 27, 2020 I have both. Hides the cursor when the camera target is disabled in Studio. Experience Google DeepMind's Gemini models, built for multimodality to seamlessly understand text, code, images, audio, and video. Previously named Koikatsu Overlay Mods and KSOX (KoiSkinOverlayX) + KCOX (KoiClothesOverlayX). AI in the title means that this patch is for AI-Syoujyo and AI-Shoujo. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless gameplay Press F2 in the game. They also include individual toe bones that can be repositioned in studio. 246. AIAPI v1. Because this feature is likely to be used by many plugins, this update is released early. AI Shoujo is a simulation crafting and survival game where you'll enjoy a carefree life of abundance on a lush deserted island. Animal42069. png」ファイルをインストール先のAI-Syoujyoフォルダ→UserData→Studio→sceneフォルダの中に入れておきます HoneySelect2/AIShoujo Custom Animated Characters Scene Data for Studio Neo V2 . AI-Syoujyo. Comunícate por mensaje privado. mod. 2 (Plugin framework) KKManager v1. It was first released in Japan on October 25, 2019 via physical retail copy Access to our latest AI models. 18. 7z (51. 5. If you prefer spending more time in Studio than in main game - you may like this one though, it has some new options as well (lights blending, allowing characters to walk on user defined paths in scene). Download the latest release archive for your game (specified by the two letter prefix, e. weapons. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless gameplay HF Patch for AI-Syoujyo / AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl! A patch for AI-Shoujo with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. Plugin for Koikatu / Koikatsu Party and AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl studio that adds a quick access list for searching through all of the items, both stock and modded. Meaning you can import everything into HS2 (including the2 paid DLC). Ver opciones. Steam version can have this added by using a 3rd party plugin that adds it in a not-so-legal manner. An update patch for AI-Shoujo and AI-Syoujyo that installs the latest fan-made English translations and essential mods, as well as fixes common issues with the game. com/Idol3DX🔘 https://www. download. To load a card, either click the "Open" icon, or drag a card onto the left panel. 12. 2. Both have the same Custom Engines, and Studio, as well as just about the same amount of HF/Mods library. you go Checksum Hashes Info Info: Normal version only includes a minimum amount of mods needed to make the game convert and get uncensored. Greetings Does anyone knows a way to tell which mod is which? What I mean is that HFPatch is simple and easy to apply but I noticed that the large amount of data (at least 30gb) that it adds only comes from the mods for the Maker (skin, accessories, clothes, etc) and when installing the patch, that box is a singular one, and then with the manager i can't uninstall This update adds scene support to extended save in AI-Shoujo studio. But i CAn't reach any custom map. HS2 your in a hotel of sorts and basically go room to room meeting the people you select on your lists. 2023-04-10 04:30 UTC. Be part of the community. ːlunar2019piginablanketː I wanted to get AI Shoujo before ILLUSION Termination of activities and its not waht I expected. Seeders: 2. 7z (39. 7z (73. early access. New. , they are not considered in the translation. In AI Girl, also makes the camera target option in the game settings work properly for the character maker. The main difference would be the environment. All of AI Shoujo HF Patch preview images were made in studio. 5GB]|百度网盘|迅雷云盘|高速下载地址 A1347 - AI少女3. 5. 25 Feb 04:44 . Unlock 12 exclusive posts How can I install them? A HS2/AI-shoujo Studio item mod. Assets 3. 9更新 免安装中文汉化整合版[26. items monster mods ai-shoujo honeyselect2. It also adds some additional features to overall improve the HScene experience. Upcoming mods will likely need this update. 5GB] - Added 2155X's AI_BetterHScenes v2. 0 - Added 2155X's AI_UnlockPlayerHClothes ai * shoujo OST 00:00 Title Screen02:57 Ruins And Girl06:14 Ancient Research09:12 Sandy Beach At Noon12:28 Starry Sky And Beach15:28 Forest An There are a fair number of comparisons of the base game and official DLC, but I am mainly interested in these games as tools for easily making visual scenes. If you are under 18 years old you can not use this patch. Full version includes the sideloader modpack, a collection of clothing mods etc. pack. There's also only 2 paid DLC. AI*Shoujo is a singleplayer third-person adult game developed and published by ILLUSION. 7. However, there are some items that will not show up unless you install AI SYOUJYO. Try uninstalling the HF Patch and see if that's the problem. Sideloader Modpack. AI*Shoujo/AI The base game (AI-Shoujo / AI-Syoujyo), and by extension this patch are not suitable for minors. studio neo 2. 1 [AI_MaterialEditor]Glitch Shader [Lucas1122] slime; Sideloader Modpack - Studio [b8] CHmap1 [Conquestus] Animals Set 1 [Conquestus] Effects Pack 1 [Conquestus] Robots Set 1 [Conquestus] SciFi Interior Set 1 [Conquestus] Survival Set 1A [Conquestus] Survival Set 1B [Conquestus] Treasure Set 1 [Hooh] autumn_stuff Photos from Hagiwara Studio's post. Honey Select 2 Libido paid DLC is compatible with Japanese version of Ai Shoujo. Since I got AI Shoujo I have not used HS2 since. If after installing the patch you have issues running the game, restart your PC and try to install the patch again with default settings. Reload to refresh your session. 0 (Manage and update mods, browse cards) 或者删除\mods\Sideloader Modpack - Studio\Osland\[Osland] Beach_Stuff. 17. 3 - Added 2155X's AI_LightprobesReset v1. Use is relatively simple. Lines beginning with // are considered comments, i. Supported games: Koikatu A plugin for games made by Illusion that allows you to hide game interface with a press of a button. I Read the full HF Patch manual to learn more about what it is, what it does, how to use it, and how to solve common issues. MoveControllerAI 1. 3 -> v2. An alternative scene loader for Studio. 1 Việt Hóa Full Mods [English-Uncen], link Google Drive tốc độ cao nên tải rất nhanh, lấy link tại đây Trong link dưới sẽ bao gồm bản Repack và Is there some sites where you can upload/download mods like building props and/or stuff for creation studio? AI Shoujo register there, probably the only place to ask question, be able to search that forum and get proper answers (pgs 100-281). honey select 2 libido. The plugin comes with thumbnails for the items, unlike the original studio interface. Guess5050. I'm new to learning about pc's so I don't know that much but I do know my pc is a Dell studio xps 7100 and my graphics card is a AMD Radeon r9 nano and I am running on windows 10. 0 AI-Syoujyo v1. Updated Dec 1, 2024; Blatke / Sphere-Monster. The most noticeable improvement will be the studio launch time, it's now much faster in Koikatsu and to a lesser degree in AI-Girl (KK has more studio mods which slowed things down more, now the amount of mods doesn't affect startup time by much if at all). 1. e. 1 (Improved object move AI SYOUJYO Release ~ 2020-05-27 (97 files) >> Download * This file can be loaded in Honey Select 2 studio. #2. It'll show the keyboard mapping. Not all of these plugins exist or are even possible to make for all of the games. This is borderline murdering every single server I got, so taken the biggest part of it, the optional studio modpack, and uploaded that on its own for the time being. 4. Or I can just stick with Koikatsu, I guess. 4 GiB) [ScrewThisNoise] AI-Shoujo BetterRepack R12. facebook. items mods ai-shoujo honeyselect2. no studio, maybe they will add it in the future (or not) Well, that is kind of a let down. Connect via private -----Attention/Attenzione-----ITANon sono l'ideatore di questa mod, l'ideatore di questa mod e' l'utente Rocky detto anche hjboy11 present nel forum cinese Z AI少女 AI-Syoujyo v1. AI Shoujo and HS2 - Outfits: Microbikini (Inner Top/Bot) Slingshot Microbikini (Inner Top) Cocktail Dress (Top) Condom Belt: Black Diamond Shoes: Accessories Pack 01: DDW's Lifu Tweaks: Christmas Microbikini: Nami Outfit Port Fix: Condom Wrapped Nipple Ring: Fishnet Socks: Accessory Pack 02: Sin Sack: Gyaru Belt: セーブデータの場所 C:\ILLUSION\AI-Syoujyo\UserData\save に解凍したsaveフォルダを上書き それまでの自分のセーブデータは上書きしたら消えてしまうのでSaveフォルダをどこかにコピーして退避させるかXXSaveなど変名して上書 Anybody that knows if its possible to adjust the camera so I can get a bit more distance to the hero than what is default in 3rd person? I can't seem to get used to 'breathing down the neck' of my poor toon. AI_UncensorSelector插件类Mod 需要AI_Plugins中的AI_UncensorSelector插件,此插件用来选择各种不同的“部位”Mod(实际上是整个身体模型),可存在多种,通过插件来选择,选项信息会被保存到人物卡中,当然读人物卡时也需要有相应Mod。 This plugin seeks to improve HScenes in AI Shoujo, Honey Select 2, Koikatsu, and Koikatsu Sunshine by making penetration look a bit more realistic. Date: 2022-02-24 02:39 UTC. As such, the studio GitHub is where people build software. Chia sẻ link tải game AI Shoujo / AI Girl R6. These packs contain the main game, all recommended plugin mods for both the main game and studio or vr where applicable. I don't Automatically translate, uncensor and update AI-Shoujo! - AI-HF_Patch/patch. 1. Contribute to Blatke/Leaf development by creating an account on GitHub. Works in studio, maker and H scenes. Mainly minor bug fixes and removal of log spam in this addition. koikatu koikatsu honeyselect playhome emotion-creators ai-girl ai-syoujyo koikatsu-party ai-shoujo sexy-beach-premium-resort honeyselect2 haremmate playclub koikatsu-sunshine The optional modpack is rapidly gaining weight, and not all users use studio, as such, distributing it separately makes it less likely that users that do not need the modpack will download it by mistake. Star 0. zvyvwef cwns ycek doap mkualpq wmdga mhhrd sxlbdn oqfvlp mmcsog