Octoprint docker webcam. Feb 26, 2020 · Camera model Logitech, Inc.

Octoprint docker webcam My docker-compose. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. yml file you have posted you are mapping 5000:5000. Error ID This is the primary image of octoprint/octoprint. I don`t know if you found a solution, but if you didn't, this is what helped me: I am using a Raspberry Pi 4, a Raspi-Cam and Prusa Mini. Nov 26, 2018 · Regarding "why" the exclusion, I'd suggest that someone was pretty happy that they got this to work under Docker and called it a success. I have tried using Yawcam which can give me HTTP, FTP, File, and "Stream" outputs. It should work according to the docs but I don't get any video. But I can't get it to stream to YT. I No serial port found, are you sure your printer is physically connected and supported? message appear after installing octoprint with Docker Hey there, i have a webcam that´s working on my host system. 3. mpeg-streamer does not seem to recognize it What did you already try to solve it? Checked that my RPi4 recognizes the camera (v4l2-ctl --list-devices) - yes, it does Changed camera_usb I'm struggling to get the webcam working when using docker and octoprint (the same webcam works flawlessly with octopi). Note: I have tested and do not have a lag when using the raspberry pi camera (v2. Oct 16, 2023 · Hi Griffon, the issue with running demsg is normally a permission problem with your current user, so in the console you would typically need elevated permissions that can be obtained running the command with sudo that elevated your permission levels to allow the command to be executed. Is mjpeg streamer limited to 10fps? Jun 28, 2023 · Camera model eMeet Nova USB Webcam What is the problem? I am trying to set up the webcam to run at 1080p 30fps smoothly using the HLS streamer on the latest beta version of Octoprint with the new camera stack. See the docker-compose. Nov 25, 2018 · Thanks for the pointers. So if you want it to be accessible on port 5000 outside the container, then you must map port 80 internal to 5000 external Apr 26, 2023 · Ok, I spotted another thing, in the docker-compose. But i dont know what to put here: Here's what I've downloaded: This Octoprint is running on a Ubuntu Jan 5, 2024 · Incognito mode works flawless when accessing the HLS webcam stream and incognito mode works with accessing the Octoprint web interface. Navigate to the OctoPrint settings dialog. Sep 20, 2018 · Hoping to use webcam on port 8080 and OctoPrint is using port 5000. Do you need to activate the virtual environment? Not that I've taken the approach that you're using but it's typical to call the source path/bin/activate before doing the python setup. So your /webcam request goes to octoprint, not to haproxy, and haproxy does not get a chance to redirect the request to mjpgstreamer. • I would appreciate if someone could help me add webcam to this guide! Sep 29, 2022 · Ok, I spotted another thing, in the docker-compose. In order for OctoPrint to properly and securely work behind one or more plug them in as necessary by using sudo udevadm trigger and docker start octoprint-ender3-7 to start the docker for the printer desired without needing to reboot. It uses an IMX519 sensor, which has libcamera support in Bullseye, but not raspicam. txt and added -r 1280x720 -f 30 per the webcam FAQ but it didn't solve the issue. I&#39;m guessing the mpeg streamer is not part of the default docker install and I&#39;m guessing I need to add this manually. I would like touse 16:9 resolution @ 1920x 1080. Because I am May 7, 2021 · Camera model Wyze Cam V2 (converted to USB) - works on my PC Connected to Raspi 4 What is the problem? When checking why cam is not working on OctoPrint any more, I realized it's no longer video0, but video1. ymal which can then quickly launch containers via a single There's a lot of tutorials and youtube videos around about 'How to setup multicam on OctoPi', and in most of these they involve copying the service files and webcamd, editing some paths and ending up duplicating all the code and manually editing it. ** **What did you already try to solve?: the test stream URL doesn't show a video. I'm You can change settings either via Docker command line, or - more conveniently - via Docker Compose. I have tried every type of URL for the second webcam but nothing seems to be working. Nov 27, 2018 · Just to let you know, since this post was quite old, there is now an official OctoPrint docker installation method, that comes with mjpg_streamer too. Based on other similar posts I've read on this forum, it seems it may be related to specifically RasPi4s. I have tried using Yawcam but cannot get it to work. yaml but I was suspicion that I may also need to add something more than /dev/video0. I've linked the obico plugin to the standalone obico server, and it appears to be mostly working (I can start prints, see temps from obico) but the webstreaming is failing in obico. I've also tried a Logitech Brio with the same results. 5A power supply on the PI and randomly during prints the webcam will just stop streaming. I've followed the official guide with no luck. 17 support for configuring multiple cameras is available out of the box, which is much simpler to get going and a lot less Nov 27, 2018 · Just to let you know, since this post was quite old, there is now an official OctoPrint docker installation method, that comes with mjpg_streamer too. 0 what camera settings is in config Nov 6, 2022 · This approach of using Docker to create a separation of concerns between the OS, OctoPrint, and mjpg_streamer is, in my opinion, a cleaner and better way to run OctoPrint than through the OctoPi image. webcam Webcam canSnapshot compat displayName extras flipH flipV name rotate90 snapshotDisplay WebcamCompatibility cacheBuster snapshot snapshotSslValidation snapshotTimeout stream streamRatio streamTimeout If you want to run OctoPrint behind a reverse proxy such as Nginx, HAProxy, Apache's mod_proxy, Caddy or traefik, you can find some configuration examples below. I am trying to get this camera working. That's conceptually similar (but technically completely different) to virtual machines. 1). When i plug the camera in, the dmesg shows the usb device getting connected, gives it a number etc. As such, it does not work with OctoPi out of the box. Feb 26, 2020 · Camera model Logitech, Inc. Read about everything you need for your OctoPrint webcam setup. It does not generate a /dev/<thing> entry on the file system however. so mjpg Oct 6, 2020 · Good day fine 3D printer folk! I am successfully utilizing Octoprint with my printer for a couple days now but am yet to figure out how to get the webcam stream up and running. Thanks to previous work by @Chudsaviet to get integrated HLS support it's fairly easy to transcode rtsp using restreamer. Additional information about your setup octoprint Version 1. I see where you can in octopi but not in docker container. This is the console of the test image while in ingonito mode and while Octoprint is in safe mode. My camera does support 1920x1080 30fps video. The cam is setup in the first one only but I can not get to it. What did you already try to solve it? I've read topics here, and tried various options in the config files Nov 26, 2018 · Not 100% clear what you are recommending trying here. Step 3: Create a Docker Volume. I have configured the following line into /boot/octopi. png 727×143 13. You can subscribe to be notified of releases as well, by selecting the Watch button in the upper right corner Aug 16, 2018 · I am just using a standard webcam listed on the known good webcam list and I have 2. so -w Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. 2' volumes: octoprint: services Nov 25, 2018 · This probably works as expected but I've also seen foosel specify the port here in this invocation. With the stable version I could not get my camera to work. imx219. 2) under docker on an RPI 4b. 9. plugins Nov 25, 2018 · Just to let you know, since this post was quite old, there is now an official OctoPrint docker installation method, that comes with mjpg_streamer too. com Apr 26, 2023 · Today the topic is remote 3D printing, and I'm going to show you my guide for configuring a webcam in OctoPrint (Linux, Docker), step by step. Nov 18, 2021 · I'm having issues getting both webcams to work. go:207: exec user process caused "exec format error" By searching google I found out that this Jun 1, 2022 · I set up OctoPrint in a docker container, and everything was working great. Jun 4, 2021 · If you are already using docker, why not create another dedicated streamer container? I just feel a little bit dumb right now But thank you for that advice, I managed it to setup two camera streams and embed it into OctoPrint with the MultiCam-Plugin and a dockerized version of the ustreamer. I have not connected a printer to the pi yet. Here's the log messages I get on startup: May 19, 2019 · I'm running octoprint 1. Dec 24, 2021 · I recently helped someone on OctoPrint's Discord server to get a wyze cam v3 to work with OctoPrint. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker May 18, 2021 · If you are already using docker, why not create another dedicated streamer container? I just feel a little bit dumb right now But thank you for that advice, I managed it to setup two camera streams and embed it into OctoPrint with the MultiCam-Plugin and a dockerized version of the ustreamer. g. Dec 22, 2020 · Hello, I've installed Octoprint via docker but i can't get working the webcam. , Logitech G Hub). In fact, from Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye and on, only libcamera is supported. Then run docker exec -it {CONTAINER_ID} /bin/bash where {CONTAINER_ID} is that from the previous step. This command downloads the latest OctoPrint image to your local machine. 0, support for different streaming formats can be added with plugins. You should be able to edit it to add your own webcam compatibility information if you've participated at least a bit on this forum. yml file: <details><summary>File</summary>version: &#39;2. i just found a ttyUSB0 device in /dev and passed it into the docker config and it just worked. edited /boot/octopi. yaml file in this repository for a complete example. To persist your OctoPrint data, you should create a Docker volume. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Nov 4, 2024 · Hi - I have obico and octoprint in separate unraid dockers. I even completely re-imaged octoprint on my SD card and repeated the steps with no luck. sh docker-start. Since there is webcam plugin support in OctoPrint 1. . 10. Tried different resolutions, searched this forum for solution, upgraded from Raspberry Pi 3B+ to 4B (4 gb), reinstalled A 'out of the box working' solution for running Octoprint with mjpg-streamer webcam support. aiI5bDIMpID Parent ID: 2XnU I'm not sure what docker is , but when I encountered a webcam issue with octoprint on my pi 3b I needed to use the cam update image of octoprint. Dec 19, 2018 · You might want to visit your OctoPrint -> Settings -> Webcam & Timelapse and see if that's been changed from the default. What did you already try to solve it? I have gone into the camera-streamer files, octoprint. So not sure if this will help but thought I would throw it out there. 3 browser Chrome, operating system windows 11 and linux debian 12. There's some sort of "rest inertia" in these situations, as a would-be author: "should I add support for the webcam?", "if I add support for the webcam Something went wrong! We've logged this error and will review it as soon as we can. Also I cannot find the octopi. settings - WARNING - DeprecationWarning: Detected access to deprecated settings path ['webcam', 'stream'], returned value is derived from compatibility overlay. Nov 18, 2018 · Updating OctoPrint configuration. add a -y to the octopi. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Nov 24, 2018 · Just to let you know, since this post was quite old, there is now an official OctoPrint docker installation method, that comes with mjpg_streamer too. Those are my config's: Restreamer Compose: --- services: restreamer Nov 25, 2018 · Just to let you know, since this post was quite old, there is now an official OctoPrint docker installation method, that comes with mjpg_streamer too. Problem is when i plug the USB webcam in im not sure what to do. The webcam doesn't appear to loose connectivity with the PI and in order for me to get it back without rebooting the PI is to kill the . In the octoprint log, I see this error: octoprint. Apr 14, 2022 · Ok, I spotted another thing, in the docker-compose. As of this posting the following steps worked to get this integration. The webcam on port 8080 works but not the one on 8081. If this keeps happening, please file a support ticket with the below ID. The webcam server is running on port 8080 inside the container, but there is also haproxy running on port 80 that's needed to use OctoPrint & the webcam on the same port. yaml file. Feb 26, 2023 · Question/Problem Description I'm struggling to get the webcam working when using docker and octoprint (the same webcam works flawlessly with octopi). What did you already try to Jun 3, 2020 · Logitech C922 The live video works but lags 6 to 8 seconds only while viewing through Octoprint. One of my scripts managed to fill the 8GB of RAM and it crashed the Pi with a print running. Aug 21, 2021 · Hello I installed Octoprint on Docker and it ran flawlessly until I restarted the raspberry pi and all other containers started normally except for Octorpint and I realized that it won't start unless the printer is on and webcam are connected to USB. However, since OctoPi 0. The instances of octoprint are workig and are able to connect to the machines. 14. Apr 14, 2021 · Thanks for the pointers. log (287. 0, this compatibility layer will be removed in a future release. I get this when I run ls -la /dev/video* I use a raspberry pi camera connected with a flex cabel. If I turn on the printer and try to start Octorpint then there are no issues (as long as webcam is connected to usb also) I was wondering if this Jan 25, 2021 · First run docker ps to see the running containers and to get the CONTAINER_ID. Currently I have a camera Dec 18, 2023 · Hi, I have the same issue. Dec 21, 2024 · docker pull octoprint/octoprint. I have tested it there and got an image and video with ffmpeg. Feb 24, 2019 · Hello, I installed the webcamstreamer plugin and ran threw the complete setup howto. schema. The printer was easy. lsusb lists it as a device and you can go into /dev/bus/usb/001/00x and see it but i don't think Nov 21, 2020 · Hi, I was looking also for a solution to use Octoprint Camera with dockers and I came upon this thread. 4&#39; services: octoprint: &hellip;</details> That is not supported out of the box. But you're not complaining about OctoPrint just the webcam so I guess 5000 is the default. I have an Android phone running IP Webcam by Pavel Khlebovich and I can access that from&hellip; May 24, 2023 · With OctoPrint 1. 0 now out of the door, and with it a new fangled webcam plugin interface, things should be a lot easier to tackle here than they were ever before! An action week is a week where I focus on topics from the backlog that require a lot of uninterrupted time to tackle. Run the following command: docker volume create I don't know what the address is. I've downloaded the FFMPEG software but i dont know which path to put into the "Path to FFMPEG" space to make a timelapse. Dec 10, 2019 · Just to let you know, since this post was quite old, there is now an official OctoPrint docker installation method, that comes with mjpg_streamer too. This is my docker-compose. Board is an Orange Pi PC I have tried these commands and get: lsusb 09: USB 00. 2: 0000 Unclassified device [Created at usb. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Nov 21, 2020 · Just to let you know, since this post was quite old, there is now an official OctoPrint docker installation method, that comes with mjpg_streamer too. LifeCam VX-6000 (SN9C20x + OV9650) What is the problem? Webcam not recognized. 0 **What is the problem?: The camera is connected and the LED on It is on but on the web page, it's printing ("webcam stream loading. Dec 18, 2023 · what do you get from ls -la /dev/video* (with the camera plugged in)? I don't want to shit talk the devs of the docker image or Octoprint but I can't recommend running to much additional stuff on the same OS/device. /mjpg_streamer -o output_http. Please use the webcam system introduced with 1. It is designed to work similarly, and support the same out of the box features as the octopi raspberry-pi machine image, using docker. That will get you to a bash shell, in your container. Dec 7, 2022 · what do you get from ls -la /dev/video* (with the camera plugged in)? See full list on github. I have previously had it working when using the octopi image on a RPI 2b. What did you already try to solve it? Mar 18, 2024 · I have octoprint in a docker on a linux server and I can't figure out how to adjust my camera resolution in config. txt camera&hellip; Apr 14, 2022 · Ok, I spotted another thing, in the docker-compose. txt simply makes the webcam unavailab&hellip; Jun 27, 2021 · webcamd. Octoprnt throws: NoneType' object has no attribute 'containers' The plugin uses docker and when I try to run the image from adilinden locally, it throws: standard_init_linux. May 13, 2022 · Camera model: Tapo TC60 First some background details: I am running Octoprint as a docker instance on an QNAP NAS and everything else works fine. In the Webcam & Timelapse section you want these settings: Stream URL: /webcam/camera. yaml. It my understanding that docker setups the image with a dockerfile ("offical" octoprint/octoprint dockerfile was included in the previous post) this builds the image & environment from which the active docker container is generated from. ") and it does not change. On top of making sure that websocket forwarding works properly through your proxy, please pay special attention to the forwarding options and additional headers. Any change I made in /boot/octopi. txt files, and changed any resolution and framerate information I can find to what I need. With this setup, you can have independent control of 2 printers with 1 raspberry pi by just switching ports to choose which printer to use. I do not know what a sample "Stream URL" is and how I would make One. How do I set a separate variable value for the webcams video and the webcams snapshot? How come when I set my webcam to a 30 FPS with -f 30, the octoprint container limits it to 10 (That's what the logs show when I start octoprint). However, I am having issues with the webcam, and I believe it might be a URL issue, as the webcam is appearing as a device inside the container. I can run the 2 OctoPrint web interfaces and they work with my 2 print This is the primary image of octoprint/octoprint. mjpg-streamer-experimental start. 122] Unique ID: O0wn. I've made one for the new webcam stack which I intend to finish and publish in a month or so. 19 PM. mjpeg; Snapshot URL: /webcam/static-camera. Webcam streaming is working when I test in in Octoprint and I can stream via my webbrowser. The Tapo is an IP webcam and annoyingly it only outputs a RTSP stream, so to get it to work with Octoprint I run it through ReStreamer which is also run as a docker instance. Hello! I am using the Docker image, and have been able to pass my printer through from the host to the container. There is no noticeable lag when live-viewing with an Logitech app (e. Mostly with only using the built in options for octoprint. txt file. ). SSH to Pi using putty, run these commands sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade curl -fsSL https://get Dec 23, 2019 · Either case, if you do that or try to run your docker image (once made ARM compatible) on an octopi instance you'd have to disable the webcamd service in order to release the lock on the video device. Webcam C310 What is the problem? Webcam randomly stops working within OctoPrint & RasPi altogether until reboot. And if you're docker image is using port 80, not sure how that would play out since haproxy tunnels port 80 by default to octoprint's port 5000. If/when they remembered the webcam, they probably got a headache and rationalized that it was good enough. octoprint. 10 on image 4. 6:1. I'm using the "IpWebcam" app. Hi all, i have a 3d printer passed into octoprint and that is working good. I'm a little out of my depth with the whole tty & dev naming area but as far as I can tell My printer is coming through on /dev/ttyACM0 and the camera is /dev/video0 as such i added these to the docker-compose. Just no webcam image from any of the cameras. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker This post is a wiki node editable by every user of this forum with trust level 1 (TL1) or higher. Worked fine before switched to Raspberry Pi 4 (brand new build and setup from scratch - not even a restore from backup). Feb 27, 2023 · Hi, I'm struggling to get the webcam working when using docker and octoprint (the same webcam works flawlessly with octopi). From what I can tell the serve command is just launching the octoprint webserver/ webpage via ip http Nov 25, 2018 · (Sorry if I'm stating the obvious here) I'm running my docker instance using docker-compose rather than a docker run <image> (If you haven't used it, at its most basic level this is a nice tool to spool up docker containers with the parameters stored in a text file docker-compose. These settings Aug 3, 2023 · I see the following warning in my log, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. 2 KB) Hi folks! I was installing the following Camera in my Raspberry Pi 4 to use the Octopi Camera modes, but it does not work yet. One webcam is located under /dev/video0 and the other one under /dev/video2. You would have to do additional software setup, and the URLs would depend on how you do that exactly. Aug 30, 2024 · Camera model. While OctoPrint doesn't directly support webcams, using a webcam together with mjpg-streamer as bundled on OctoPi is the recommended procedure to get visual feedback May 12, 2020 · Today we use Docker, an application designed to run on many devices and allow us to run other applications in containers, to get OctoPrint up and running on Apr 9, 2023 · Camera model Generic, this camera worked on a previous OctoPrint on a different Raspberry Pi What is the problem? I can't get the video to show up on OctoPrint, and I can't get any of the diagnostics I've seen to show me anything. Webcam is a Microsoft Lifecam Cinema. yaml: octoprint: container_name: octoprint image: octoprint/oc Jun 11, 2022 · Camera model Raspberry Pi Camera v2 What is the problem? The Camera is useable with libcamera-* (see Raspberry Pi Documentation - Camera) in Raspberry Pi OS lite (latest updates), so there is no hardware problem. ReStreamer outputs a video URL and a snapshot URL, both of which work fine Nov 11, 2021 · USB Webcam I am using a Windows PC to run octoprint (because the raspberry pi's are sold out. I'm Leo, and this is my channel, Leo Aug 8, 2021 · Today, I will explain how to install multiple Octoprint instances in a docker container with multi webcam support. 98-v7+ with a Raspberry pi 3B+, my webcam is a Logitech C615. Every guide on how to set up the docker image advises using /dev/video0 as the camera device (works with my Fuji X-T200 in webcam mode), but neither octoprint in docker nor ffplay Docker is a containerization technology. What is the problem? I can't get the webcam to work when running Octoprint (OctoPrint 1. 2 KB If you're trying to reach your OctoPrint instance using HTTPS then it's possible that it doesn't like trying to include an HTTP stream as part of that for the webcam. With Portainer I added a Stack, named it "octoprint" and in the Web editor section I added the following: version: '2. Dec 8, 2022 · what do you get from ls -la /dev/video* (with the camera plugged in)? Apr 29, 2020 · Has anyone had any luck adding multiple instances of this with two different webcams? I was able to get two docker instances running, with a webcam on one, but since plugging in a second webcam that is the only one I can get working. h TODO input_file. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Dec 12, 2024 · Camera model Tapo C111 What is the problem? Can't get the cameras-stream to show up in the Webinterface Interestingly enough Restreamer recognizes Octoprint as 2 Viewers are shown But sadly the Tab doesn't show the Stream What did you already try to solve it? I've setup restreamer in a docker-compose next to octoprint. I got it connected to the printer without any problem. A camera not working in a container typically results from the lack of permissions for the container to The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Apr 14, 2022 · Ok, I spotted another thing, in the docker-compose. This allows you to keep your settings and print history even if you remove the container. Aug 23, 2024 · I know a lot of people have been asking for this, and i have not seen a full post about how to do this, but i finally got it working after about ~2 hours. You can subscribe to be notified of releases as well, by selecting the Watch button in the upper right corner Jul 19, 2019 · Hi i'm a little confused here, So i'm using an old phone as a camera, it has it's own Ip and i can see the image in the Octoprint interface. py install command. - Aaltuj/octoprint-docker-setup Jan 26, 2022 · on a raspberry pi zero 2 w Camera : raspberry pi camera (B) Rev 2. webcam webcam webcam Table of contents octoprint. I have 2 containers running. 33. (if you want to quickly switch, you will need to download a single plugin "MultiCam", but it does work without it) First i need to mention this wouldnt be possible without the help . sh mjpg_streamer. 0 ) The webrtc protocol is different for different streamers, the PR is quite specific to the aiortc implementation. jpg Nov 19, 2018 · I'm having trouble setting up a webcam with a docker install of Octoprint. I'm unable to change the webcam resolution. Apr 16, 2021 · Port 5000 points directly to octoprint, bypassing haproxy entirely. txt file (camera_usb_options="-r 640x480 -f 10 -y") with no Mar 23, 2021 · If I boot Octopi, and wait for it to complete boot up, plug in the webcam, then load OctoPrint, I can get a a good image on Octoprint. more. ArduCam has published instructions on how to get OctoPi working with plugins will now persist in the /octoprint volume (see #71 and #44) Settings unique to docker (such as restarting octoprint and webcam configs), are now pre-configured (implemented in #132) Backup/restore will now work with the docker image (fixed #92 via #135) the creation of edge, canary, and bleeding tags. Nov 25, 2018 · This probably works as expected but I've also seen foosel specify the port here in this invocation. But i can´t use it in OctoPrint. That said, I'm getting "unknown control 'focus_absolute'" on the current docker image when I try absolute_focus. See README for details on how to Nov 21, 2020 · Just to let you know, since this post was quite old, there is now an official OctoPrint docker installation method, that comes with mjpg_streamer too. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Apr 24, 2020 · I an trying to pass a Logitech C920 webcam into docker for use with Octoprint. Using a 2A power supply because I initially got a low voltage Mar 17, 2021 · Camera model Bus 001 Device 006: ID 045e:00f4 Microsoft Corp. Jan 30, 2023 · OctoPrint allows you to monitor your 3D prints remotely. I want to also use a webcam to watch the printer/timelapse etc octoprint features. Where virtual machines make the hardware "go away" (that is, you can go to some provider, click some buttons, and have a VM within a few minutes, not giving a care in the world about where it is running - or you can boot up a second machine on your main PC, etc Disconnect all printers from your print server except for the one you want to add; ls /dev/serial/by-path/ copy the path of your printer excluding the “-port0” (should be like pci-0000:00:1a. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Apr 26, 2022 · I recently got myself an ArduCam 16MP Autofocus camera to run as a monitoring camera with my Raspberry Pi 4B. See the individual settings below, demonstrated through corresponding parts of the docker-compose. 0-usb-0:1. Screen Shot 2018-12-22 at 1. GitHub OctoPrint/octoprint-docker. vwew faxj ukb ydbdr dcxvsj uxsp wvedh vrurzj orru lkrjznt