Octoprint multiple instances windows 10 not working. It would always select the same connection config.

Octoprint multiple instances windows 10 not working. I checked the registry and there is no octoprint folder.

  • Octoprint multiple instances windows 10 not working octoprint. I have both of mine configured so the GCode Viewer comes up as the first tab, since that's what I find most useful, so changing the temp graph wasn't the one for me. /dev/ttyMKC and /dev/ttyANET we can go further to the next step, the setup of another instance of OctoPrint. I think I've reached out on Github before though. exe). local, dewie. To run multiple octoprint server instances, docker is a very reasonable option Jun 14, 2024 · Hello everyone, a quick and dirty guide to setup multiple Octoprint sessions using Docker in Debian 10. 0 and have two octoprint server running on one Rpi. I checked the registry and there is no octoprint folder. What command do you use to start up your second instance? Aug 4, 2018 · Personally, I wouldn't use IP addresses. Nov 7, 2018 · i'm running multiple instances of octoprint behind the provided instance of haproxy. Now, I can start instance 2 at port 5001 but the original will not start with port 5000 or without any port number. octoprint_deploy https://octoprint. I've since completely re-wrote the thing in an attempt to learn more Jul 16, 2020 · The script was not written with multiple instances in mind; it first kills (stops) all the octoprint. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. While there is documentation on the Octoprint® services for older Pi’s, the Raspbian images have been ported to systemd, and we have to write our own. I have tried every type of URL for the second webcam but nothing seems to be working. Really important should be the udev Jan 24, 2023 · Multi-instance really just means multiple Octoprint® installations. Jul 5, 2021 · I have been running octoprint on Windows 10 for about a year now with my CR10 mini and using yawcam with no issues at all. 10. Mar 13, 2023 · I'm attempting to create multiple instanced of OctoPrint on a single RPi. The webcam on port 8080 works but not the one on 8081. 0. I'm just wondering if there are any pitfalls to either method, such as e. Once it was working, I updated octoprint to 1. Didn't work. org/download/#octoprint_deploy--octoprint_install This guide will help you install OctoPrint onto Windows. This worked for me. When your printers print over OctoPrint like they should and every printer has its individual device names e. running on a Raspberry Pi via the Aug 4, 2018 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. I've had some questions I've had to ask here, but, overall, it's all working well now. I want to have central storage for the gcodes and easily send the correct version to a printer. It was developed on Windows 10. I'm willing to consider a pi per printer but I'm shooting for the cheapest way to go. Aug 30, 2024 · Multi instance Octoprint with Data & Plugin Sharing using Docker Ive set up a multi instance setup of Octoprint using Docker containers, and while this isn't anything new, my setup is using something i have not seen done before: I configured my instances to be able to share uploaded data and even plugins between all instances! The setup does not require any specialized software, its just based Sep 7, 2019 · I have set up my Octoprint to run under Windows 10 on a remote computer (A) to access then server from my computer in my office (B) on the LAN and it works great ! Now I want to set up a Lifecam HD5000 camera on the remote machine (A) and it work great when I click the TEST button in the REMOTE OctoPrint (A) but when I try the same on a local computer (B) I see NO picture ! I have the exact Jul 29, 2020 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. I'm migrating to Octofarm bc I have too many printers, like one does. 7 since it's ancient. You can adjust the hostname by remoting into the Raspberry and running sudo raspi-config and look under the network option. Or use a Star Wars—based theme. 17 support for configuring multiple cameras is available out of the box, which is much simpler to get going and a lot less Dec 22, 2024 · Longtime user (since 2010 ish), first time poster. What did you already try to solve it? I tried the installer for windows and a slightly older version as well. I can run 12 sessions on a HP Z200 i3 workstation with 4GB ram with ease. So I used the up arrow to increment the minutes to a really high number and thought. 210 or 210:5000 I get an unable to connect message. Jan 8, 2021 · What is the problem? I have multiple instances of octoprint on my rpi 4. If this is true, then the only solution would be to get a static IP block from your ISP which could be expensive. 168. Octoprint® Services. If all you want is to access your existing OctoPrint instance (e. Now i want to use multiple instances of octoprint, because i have two printers. :thinking: Do you just want to access your existing OctoPrint instance under Windows? Then there's absolutely no need to follow this guide, this is for installi… Aug 26, 2020 · Hi, I currently operate and manage 10 Prusa printers with OctoPrint, and things are getting out of hand already. If I enter 192. To reach out Octoprint for Printer #1 just type in your browser address bar the hostname/IP of the raspberry followed by the port number for printer 1, in the example 5001 Nov 27, 2020 · On the topic of Linux versus Windows for an Octoprint Server . local: Unknown host Additional information about your network (Hardware you are trying to Oct 14, 2020 · I understand the reasons not to run multiple instances on one pi. OctoFarm is an web server and client combination for unifying multiple instances of Octoprint. I have some thoughts on how to achieve this. Re-make your instances using the same instance names, then recover your backups. If you also install the MultiCam plugin and configure it, you should be able to enable the integration and 'link' the camera profiles at the bottom of the Camera Settings page, and doing that will allow it to show the appropriate preview for the selected Jul 16, 2020 · The script was not written with multiple instances in mind; it first kills (stops) all the octoprint. Because of that, "we" don't support it. I know having different computers for different printers would be the best option, but I'm scraping at the bit to find one working solution for handling two printers through Octoprint. It would always select the same connection config. org/t/set Nov 18, 2021 · I'm having issues getting both webcams to work. 0, Raspberry 3B+, Windows 10 Apr 2, 2020 · Probably not the correct or most optimized, but it works. Nov 4, 2024 · The windows installer I created should work with any 64bit version of windows. Things like # a comment will appear poorly if you don't: a comment Additionally, it's just a lot harder to read poorly-formatted blobs of text. Nov 8, 2018 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. Over the past 8 or 9 months I've been working on an interface to unify Octoprint instances into 1 interface which I've called OctoFarm. Fortunately, there is a tool for setting that up very easily. Then, you have to update the taskkill command to match Nov 15, 2020 · If Astroprint pairs with an IP address only, then you should not be able to run it on two separate systems on your LAN because your router/modem only has one public IP address. Apr 3, 2018 · This guide will help you install OctoPrint onto Windows. When I Sign-In then is open Setup wizard. You will also have to make sure you update the original instance file to point to this new file. The "symlinks" for the USB ports are not being created, apparently. I want to add 10 instances with the same producer id, vendor id and serial. Works great. Apr 27, 2020 · Currently running an instance of OctoPrint on a windows server that is up 24/7 for security cameras. I use the password and i see it flash that server is unavailable and reconnecting for a flash second and goes Dec 24, 2022 · OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed Guide): Octoprint is a very popular even though it is built on a 1-server-1-printer basis. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. Sep 17, 2018 · I have a cataloged of gcode files I print on demand on one of many OctoPrint instances (Same server, I would probably design the solution to work on multiple OctoPis). 9 KB) Nov 15, 2020 · This guide will help you install OctoPrint onto Windows. I Jul 13, 2020 · The script was not written with multiple instances in mind; it first kills (stops) all the octoprint. I never installed 2. zip (611. Jul 3, 2021 · Hello, I finally made my setup working (not exactly as perfect as I want, but I have a working setup now). I did some searching and found that every so often there's the same problem from a user perspective, albeit a different problem in Jul 20, 2022 · I have two web cams, when I first connected one, it worked for about 30 minutes. Setting up OctoPrint on Windows Guide:https://community. 1. Getting ready to add a second printer and need to know the best way to setup another instance. I did start Jan 9, 2021 · and for the instances Octoprint On Linux - Revisit - Multiple Instance Install - Chris's Basement - YouTube. Cannot find any error messages in logs I've checked. It is platform agnostic and runs basically everywhere where you can install Python 2. Well it listed Minutes. 7, be it a cheap single PCB computer like the Raspberry Pi running Linux, a fully featured gaming PC running Windows, a Mac running MacOSX or a server Jul 28, 2020 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. If that doesn't work, I'll either try running 2 separate Octoprint instances on my laptop or run them from a RPI 4. Jan 18, 2023 · The subplugin will work fine. Oct 14, 2020 · When leaving logs or configuration files, please format them properly. I have personally been working at installing various versions of Linux for the last 3 days and started with the latest Ubuntu - Focal Fossa , Did not work with Chris Riley's Video and Documentation. I want add in to octoprint second printer. Apr 1, 2024 · If you want to use the new version of octoprint_deploy with an older setup, create backups (either with OctoPrint UI or with octoprint_deploy), then use the remove commandline argument before updating octoprint_deploy. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as described by OutsourcedGuru above Aug 8, 2020 · The old script was working for me just fine until the 1. 8 KB) WRITE HERE I have an Ender 3v2 and and a Sovol SV06. 210:5001 it connects without any problems. Sep 11, 2017 · This is a bug and feature request tracker, not a support forum ;) It works the same way - start a second instance with --basedir pointing to another base directory location for your second instance and --port setting a different port than the default 5000. Sep 9, 2018 · Test Conditions : OctoPrint 1. Nov 16, 2020 · Just reading through theses tips and went to the Power Management section for Windows 7. I tried the second camera, again it worked for about 30 minutes. 1 (. Most of it use docker for it. 2) upgrade. I click on Finish button but Setup Wizard don't close. This happens just in IP:500X, in normal all works ok. What command do you use to start up your second instance? May 12, 2021 · Octoprint is an excellent tool that allows you to use a device like Raspberry Pi to control your printer, but out of the box, its really only meant to be abl OctoPrint is not designed to be used as outlined in this tutorial as such there are known issues (refer here for all documentation regarding Octoprint's Dockerized app image). What command do you use to start up your second instance? OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed Guide): Octoprint is very popular, designed on a 1-server-1-printer basis. local, louie. 84GHz, 8GB RAM & decent SSD [Sounds like overkill? Was just sitting in basement] 3x Prusa MK3 + overseer + 2 mpg streams. Nov 15, 2020 · If Astroprint pairs with an IP address only, then you should not be able to run it on two separate systems on your LAN because your router/modem only has one public IP address. 7, be it a cheap single PCB computer like the Raspberry Pi running Linux, a fully featured gaming PC running Windows, a Mac running MacOSX or a server Oct 19, 2020 · OctoPrint wasn't designed for more than one printer, but it's still possible. Search Octoprint Docker on YouTube, those tutorials will teach you how to do it, still a PC or a Raspberry are essentially the same. Finally Dec 19, 2022 · Separate USB cam for each printer question: I'm using this guide (which seems to be the "master" guide for setting up multiple printers) for setting up my two printers and cameras on my Pi with OctoPi. What command do you use to start up your second instance? Dec 4, 2019 · Hi all, New here but been using Octoprint for an age now. If you have multiple 3d printers to control, the 1-1 model of server per printer that relied on rpi needs a second thought. 4. Not sure how it would work over multiple instances of octoprint running at the same time, because i do know that if octoprint has a hold of the ft232h in the venv environment, i can't access it without shutting down octoprint. zip (37. They are updated on occasion, usually when I need to change the slicing strategy. Now it does not stop the original instance and starts a new instance of octoprint. Nov 18, 2024 · What is the problem? Port 5000 says it is already in use. I used nmon to monitor CPU and memory usage. A rolling release distro featuring a user-friendly installer, tested updates and a community of friendly users for support. Apr 2, 2020 · Probably not the correct or most optimized, but it works. And considering suggested way to run octoprint is in virtualenv anyway you do not even need that, can easily run multiple instances on the same OS. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as described by OutsourcedGuru above. I set up a new Octoprint instance (via OctoPi the image: version 1. Now getting Octoprint installed wasn't that hard but getting the multi instances to work together was tricky. Jun 20, 2021 · So I have been at this for two days and finally after these two days I can say I figured out how to install Octoprint with multi instances on a laptop running Raspberry pi Desktop os. You can manage and monitor as many instances as you want from a single interface giving you full control over your 3D printer farm. I recently bought a cr10 v3 and created another instance of octoprint on a different port. exe processes (which includes both your instance), and then starts up just one of them. Found Hard Drive turn off. reqadd and reqrep bringing errors. Context : I didn't wanted to buy a raspi + cam for every printer I own (currently 4) and I had a spare old computer (gigabyte brix nuc-like computer with celeron J1900), so I went to try a setup using it with ubuntu 20. When I enter my ip address 192. I Mar 20, 2023 · Hi! I am currently running the OctoPrint for Windows, and I am trying to use a USB webcam, and remember having to go through a process to do the same on the pi version, do I have to do the same thing, or is there a different process to g Jul 13, 2020 · The script was not written with multiple instances in mind; it first kills (stops) all the octoprint. If you can run Astroprint on two separate systems on your LAN, then you could multi-home your Windows May 4, 2018 · Is there a way to control multiple octoprint instances within one interface like repetier-server? 🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine! 🇺🇦 OctoPrint Community Forum Managing multiple octoprint instances Dec 3, 2022 · Running two instances of OctoPrint on a windows mini pc to monitor my 3d printers. Dec 9, 2020 · On the topic of Linux versus Windows for an Octoprint Server . Jul 15, 2021 · Hello, I finally made my setup working (not exactly as perfect as I want, but I have a working setup now). Nov 20, 2018 · No, OctoPrint and OctoPi are not the same thing. Dec 23, 2022 · Setting up one more instance of OctoPrint. I'm parsing thru task manager to see if perhaps the application name changed somehow. The results got as high as 75% in one core, but overal peaks at ~50% the transfer speeds didn't change. What did you already try Aug 4, 2018 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. However I recently got another printer, and potentially would like to hook up both to the one PC. This thread will be the only place that discussion about it is allowed, and any support is given as best-effort, not "omg there's a bug and I'm going Nov 27, 2020 · On the topic of Linux versus Windows for an Octoprint Server . Now I cannot get either one to work with the Pi. Feb 4, 2024 · What is the problem? I use octoprint for my first time. 7, be it a cheap single PCB computer like the Raspberry Pi running Linux, a fully featured gaming PC running Windows, a Mac running MacOSX or a server There's a lot of tutorials and youtube videos around about 'How to setup multicam on OctoPi', and in most of these they involve copying the service files and webcamd, editing some paths and ending up duplicating all the code and manually editing it. Therefore, you should NOT contact the developers of OctoPrint nor those of your printer's firmware with troubleshooting or bug reporting. Probably not the correct or most optimized, but it works. Currently I'm using a PiCam for one printer and a USB camera for the Oct 14, 2020 · When leaving logs or configuration files, please format them properly. You can usually find i5 HP Z200 on ebay for $50-80 and this is by far more preferable than a Raspberry Pi for running multiple printers. When Raspberry Pi were readily available and cheap, it made a lot of sense. 8 and it works like a charm. Love it, so big thanks to everyone whose put some work in. But there's a change I'd like to make. Honestly you do not need full virtualization, containerization like docker or LXC would be enough, with much less performance overhead. I tried following guides on YouTube and searched and searched on here but none of the guides worked. 17. My idea Nov 28, 2024 · WRITE HERE octoprint-systeminfo-20241128124346. 3) for another printer and the "Remember Me" checkbox was not working on multiple computers. May 1, 2020 · Issue: When using multiple printers each with an Octoprint instance attached, I was unable to get Cura to properly target the OctoPrint instance related to the selected printer instance. Jan 26, 2021 · Hello. i got my orange pie and installed python and octoprint on it, without docker, yesterday. 2 server and docker environment as I like experimenting. If it works this time, the application is being blocked and you need to unblock it manually. My problem is that the configurations for older haproxy versions don't work. What command do you use to start up your second instance? Jun 14, 2024 · I'm currently running OctoPrint on a dedicated Linux PC, connected to one printer. 04. Also hyperV/windows as host is really, really weird choice As of 2022, Raspberri PI units are almost impossible to find at a reasonable cost, if at all. It started from a user called Quilford on github, and his PrinterView. It is the first time i've tried to install octoprint. the USB ports Feb 13, 2019 · Stuck at the log in screen? Re installed newest versions **i have 3 Rpi 3B+ that are running 2 instances on each with 2 printers and 2 web cams on each. Feb 21, 2019 · No, OctoPrint and OctoPi are not the same thing. If you can run Astroprint on two separate systems on your LAN, then you could multi-home your Windows Jan 18, 2023 · The subplugin will work fine. OctoPrint is a fully featured print server/web interface for 3D printers, written in Python and HTML/JS. Learn how to set up OctoPrint for multiple printers. They have changed a few things. However, since OctoPi 0. 4ghz WiFi, although I can access Octopi's ports just fine. 01 - minimal server Core2 - Quad Core @ 2. Jul 16, 2020 · Alright, so I found something that works. They were made for me to be able to restart and shut down Octoprint instance from the UI. Nov 23, 2021 · I started with Octopi64 1. I've tried octolibre with le potato, but I can't access it's ports on the internet through 2. octoprint-systeminfo-20220720013039. Oct 26, 2022 · There's also the Name in Appearance settings that you can use to change what shows on the title of the browser. The two options I can think of are Virtualbox VMs and Docker containers, and I'm not leaning strongly one way or the other. I even completely re-imaged octoprint on my SD card and repeated the steps with no luck. Hello everyone, a quick and dirty guide to setup multiple Octoprint sessions using Docker in Debian 10. My printer's named charming-pascal. Wouldn't connect. Here's the log messages I get on startup: Jul 28, 2020 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. You need multiple instances of OctoPrint on our Pi to control multiple printers. After the reboot, it should now use its new name. Second time, I did a fresh install, didn't update octoprint, made the modifications through putty, and it worked perfectly. Relative to your other issues with linux, the easiest install for that is using ubuntu server or debian without the graphical user interface (unless you want to load OctoPrint Web UI on laptop directly) and the octoprint_deploy script to manage all the bits and pieces for you. I'm guessing that the Rpi 3B+ is the way to go? Is there a cheaper functional option? I'd try the zero w but for many many reasons this whole farm is wired not wifi. I'm in exactly the same position as the OP. So, for multiple instance you'll need to make a copy of the octoprint. whenever i try try to open octoprint on firefox, it will open the econd instance but the first instance is stuck on the login screen. I can clicking and clicking and nothing happened. First I'm going to connect both printers (Ender 3 V2 & Aquila) to my laptop using 2 separate USB cables and print directly from Cura. NETSTAT says it is not used. local. Think of it this way, imagine Jan 25, 2022 · although (afaik) it will only show one camera in its UI. Do i need to use docker? What did you already try to solve it? i searched a lot of tutorial in the web. What is the solution for this? I have Octoprint 0. Have you tried running in safe mode? Cant run at all, cant install Did running in safe Aug 8, 2021 · Now everything is ready to set up Octoprint and control both printers with one Raspberry Pi handling two Octoprint instances. They do work when connected to my desktop. g. 3. I could not get it to work again. Though Octoprint can be heavy for a raspberry and running multiple instances could give you some troubles later, that's why I use a PC, maybe an old laptop is better for the space and power consumption. both work fine in Octoprint, and I used to be able to run both at the same time with two instances of Octoprint, one connecting to USB0 and the other to USB1. I kept the default install, but left it disabled, and put two other instances in the config for my printers running on ports 5001 and 5002. Then, you have to update the taskkill command to match the correct instance. It is no longer the case, these units are hard to find from reputable sellers and as such, their price inc… Aug 22, 2020 · I'm using Python 3. Then, you have to update the taskkill command to match Aug 4, 2018 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. So I have IP:5001. I tried to change it to http-request. Context : I didn't wanted to buy a raspi + cam for every printer I own (currently 4) and I had a spare old com… Jan 18, 2023 · The subplugin will work fine. . If all you want is to access your existing OctoPrint Manjaro is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch. 9 FileManager Plugin Ubuntu 18. 10, and it bricked. They were working properly. Aug 4, 2018 · 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. Best thing to try here would be to disable windows firewall on the machine acting as a server and try accessing Octoprint again. Jun 11, 2022 · What is the problem? can't seem to find octoprint device when trying to ping What did you already try to solve it? checked the network name I type was the same and made sure it was on the right country since I am using a 3b + Logs (syslog, dmesg, no logs, no support) ping: cannot resolve octopi. 🤔 Do you just want to access your existing OctoPrint instance under Windows? Then there's absolutely no need to follow this guide, this is for installing the OctoPrint server under Windows, which is probably a rather unusual setup. Jul 16, 2020 · Alright, so after some more tweaking and troubleshooting, I think I found a fix. Do you just want to access your existing OctoPrint instance under Windows? Then there's absolutely no need to follow this guide, this is for installing the OctoPrint server under Windows, which is probably a rather unusual setup. With your Octoprint® folders, we need to run each Octoprint® instance as a service. Feb 5, 2019 · First time, I did a fresh install, updated octoprint, and made the modifications through putty. Now the server does not recognize specified command like (exit). Is there a way to have one main Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint instance as "main" so that any changes done to it are replicated across all other OctoPrint instances? I would love to have plugin management done in this fashion, so if plugin update command is issues that all instances Dec 4, 2021 · I am running Octoprint from my windows, and had it set up just fine, though after a recent update my custom made batch command files have ceased to work. But from: reqadd X-Script-Name:\\ /Ender7 to http-request add-header X-Script-Name:\\ / Ender7 It hangs the haproxy with following Nov 26, 2020 · Just reading through theses tips and went to the Power Management section for Windows 7. I would issue a hostname for each like: huey. Please advise. I have added some basic support for multiple cameras in the Camera Settings plugin. I have attached my system info bundle. exe file (I named it octoprint2. I should do it through the usb port but I don't know how to do it Feb 21, 2019 · No, OctoPrint and OctoPi are not the same thing. I'll continue to try and improve it, but I have a few other things to work on before I attempt to "optimize" it Pis are cheap, human time is expensive (especially when multiplied by the number of people reading a message), and there are plenty of reasons that multiple instances of OctoPrint on one Pi is problematic. local, for what it's worth. Aug 9, 2018 · The script was not written with multiple instances in mind; it first kills (stops) all the octoprint. Probably not the way it "should be done", but it works and it's what I've been able to figure out at this point (This is my first dive into anything like this with Command Line coding and Batch Files. Therefore, 3 main steps are necessary: Jan 8, 2021 · What is the problem? I have multiple instances of octoprint on my rpi 4. Apart from that I think everything was straight forward.